Wood density dataset
Basic density (or specific gravity) is a property of the wood defined as the ratio between its oven-dry mass and its saturated (or fresh) volume. This trait is involved in forest biomass estimates, functional ecology studies, wood technology, among others.
Between the years of 2014 and 2016, the IFFSC collected wood samples from native species of the Evergreen Rainforest at the municipality of Guaramirim (SC) for the determination of the basic wood density. Aiming to expand the dataset, wood samples are being collected during the IFFSC`s 2nd measurement cycle and also in private properties. As of now, including the wood samples collected at Guaramirim (SC), the IFFSC determined the basic wood density (kg/m³) for 153 tree species; 86 species were sampled in the Evergreen Rainforest, 46 in the Araucaria forest, and 42 in the Semi-deciduous forest. The dataset includes the basic wood density of the species with the greatest basal area in these forest types, such as Alchornea triplinervia (tanheiro), Hieronyma alchorneoides (licurana), Miconia cinnamomifolia (jacatirão), Lithraea brasiliensis (bugre), Mimosa scabrella (bracatinga), Cupania vernalis (camboatá-vermelho), Luehea divaricata (açoita-cavalo), among others.
The dataset can be found in the supplementary materials of the following paper:
Oliveira, L.Z.; Uller, H.F.; Klitzke, A.R; Eleotério, J.R; Vibrans, A.C. Towards the fulfillment of a knowledge gap: Wood densities for species of the subtropical Atlantic Forest. Data, v. 4, p. 104, 2019.
The basic wood density data (kg/m³) of 719 tree species recorded by the IFFSC are available in the publication's supplementary material. The basic wood density of species that were not sampled was estimated based on the data of the 153 species and on the Global Wood Density database (see the publication for more details). Additionally, the average basic wood density for 477 sample plots established by the IFFSC is presented in another worksheet.
It is important to emphasize that the dataset will most likely be updated as the wood density of other species is determined.